Friday, December 15, 2006

If you're reading this, Mr Blair...

This from Dominic Cronin on the newsgroup

Dear all,

I mentioned a couple of days ago down in the bowels of some licensing thread or other that I had taken advantage of the new e-petition feature on the Prime Minister's web site, and created a petition with the following wording:

Main text: We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to recognise that music and dance should not be restricted by burdensome licensing regulations.

Details: The recently introduced changes in licensing law have produced an environment where music and dance, activities which should be valued and promoted in a civilised society, are instead damaged by inappropriate regulation. We call on the Prime Minister to recognise this situation and take steps to correct it.

I would like to invite you all to join me in this petition. The cynic in me says it won't do any good, but there's still a part of me that says, what the heck, give it a go anyway. It can't hurt.

Obviously, the more support this gets the better, so please publicise it anywhere where that might do some good.

The petition is to be found at

Thank you.

Dominic Cronin

Filed under:
licensing law    petition

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